Saturday 21 January 2012

Busy Week!

As this is fairly new I thought I'd give you a bit of background on the writers of this blog. I am a mum of 4 kids, a 7 year old, a 3 year old and 14 month old twins!! I have 2 businesses (with business partners) Little G.E.M.s and Green Eyed Monster Clothing and have a tendency to get involved with all sorts of community matters when clearly I don't have the time! My partner in the shop has 3 kids aged 7 and under, our oldest girls are in the same class and we've known each other since they went to nursery and it was friendship that led us to open Little GEMS.  We are both hands on mum's and are really happy to share our parenting experiences and knowledge to anyone popping in the shop and on-line and do so quite a lot. We love it when new parent pop into the shop with their tiny newbies - it's lovely to chat 'kids & babies"- although it doesn't make us broody!

Well it has been an eventful week! We went to Top Drawer on Monday which is a trade fair for gifts and they had a 'homewear' section. I really liked a lot of the interiors products for kids, but I'm not sure where we'd put it if we branched out into interiors. I think we probably need to get the clothes and shoes really nailed before we think about expanding. It has been really refreshing to see some of our new spring season items arrive though - I think we were all getting a bit fed up with looking at the same things.

Its been a a toughy this week personally. The girls have all had a lovely tummy bug which has just moved on to the twins which has been rather unpleasant for all!! I've had practically no sleep what with everyone tag-teaming me during the night due to various reasons. It's like having a newborn again!!

On Wednesday I decided that the twins were old enough to enjoy Piccolo at the Hackney Forge, so we got everyone ready and took Tabby, Bella and Charlotte to the chaotic fun that is Piccolo. It was very funny because Tabby decided she was going to lead the twins - to show them what to do. So she very danced the Cho Cho Wah very enthusiastically! and the twins didn't take long to get into the swing of things. If you've not yet tried Piccolo then I would thoroughly recommend it. I discovered it when my oldest was a baby (she's now 7) and we've been going on and off with the rest of the kids ever since!! I ought to get a loyalty card!! Anyway if you fancy a high volume singing and dancing 45 minutes for babies and toddlers then do give it a whirl! I found it a really nice place to meet other mums too, what with all the cafes and the Lauriston in the village a post singing cuppa with croissant is very tempting!

Piccolo singing, music & dancing.
45 fun filled minutes - drop in - featuring action songs, puppets, story, bubbles and musical instruments.
£4.50 per child - additional £2.50

I also just heard about the campaign to save the One O'Clock club in Victoria Park. Apparently their current building is earmarked for demolition but he new building in the V&A Playground is not suitable to house them. We have used the One O' Clock club a lot - I think it's poor show on the part of the new development to make them homeless especially now that Sure Start schemes are no longer. If you would like to get more information please contact Victoria Park Friends Group @ or Becky Alcindor at

And finally while I have my soap box out, for those of us that live North Side of the shops in Victoria Park Village then we will not be consulted on the proposed Controlled Parking Zone to be implemented by Hackney Council. I hear on the grapevine that they probably have support for the implementation on Gore Road and the surrounds, which will of course have knock on effect on the half of the 'village' which is not being consulted. I wold really like to see if we can all get our head together and support a 2 hour resident only parking window between the hours of 8-10am which will in effect knock on the head the commuter and long terms parking issues whilst still remaining a light enough restriction to allow for customers and visitors on legitimate business to park for free in Victoria Park. If you would like to get any more information on this matter then please email Alex at

With half term up it would be great if anyone had any decent suggestions for half term activities! If so please post a comment or two!


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