Sunday 23 June 2013

Why Barefoot is Best for Babies and Toddlers and Kids

When baby takes their first steps we can’t wait for the next moment when they put two and two together and walk unassisted for the first time. There is no manual for this and our first thoughts are to put shoes on their precious little feet to protect them from the great outdoors or just to assist them in walking, but the fact is - barefoot is best!

As parents, we often worry too much about protecting our young from the elements by putting them in footwear too early, hindering their natural development. Did you know that one of the most important things for children’s feet is actually that they do not wear shoes?

Going barefoot is best for children because little feet start life so incredibly soft and pliable. They need absolute flexibility to develop as Mother Nature intended. Tight fitting socks, rigid soles and materials that don't move with wriggles and stretches, can hamper healthy development.

Growing feet need plenty of freedom for muscles to strengthen, toes to learn to grip and spread and for bones to form in a natural position. The only way this can happen is to be barefoot the majority of the time, especially in the first years of life. An actual fact is that 70% of our brain’s information on how to walk, run, and jump comes from the nerves on the soles of our babies feet; so the more they can feel the ground, the greater the baby’s understanding of their surrounding environment. Along the way, natural movement will happen.

When is the right time to put shoes on my baby and how do I choose the right pair?
The ultimate gift we can give our children is healthy feet. Children's feet are very different from adults, they're wider across the toes, narrower at the heel and the inner arch is lined with fatty tissue. There are also large gaps between the bones, which are soft like jelly. So, not surprising that little feet are quite vulnerable.

Allowing them to go barefoot as often as possible is ideal but not always practical. When choosing a pair of shoes, look for a shoe that mimicks the benefits the child would experience barefoot. Mimicking means choosing a shoe that allows natural movement and flexibility to move with the child freely. The quality of shoe is also important, not only flexible and correct fitting but breathable as well as safe.

Most women, thanks to Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex in the City, love shopping for shoes but when it comes to buying footwear for our little ones, it becomes a very daunting experience for some.

We want the best for their delicate little feet but where to start?
Choosing the right pair of shoes early on is crucial, as their little feet start life so incredibly soft and pliable, they need absolute flexibility to develop as Mother Nature intended. Tight fitting socks, rigid soles and materials that don't move with wriggles and stretches can hamper healthy development. Alarmingly, they don't feel pain until the damage is done.

So, what could be more essential than getting their shoes right?
Did you know? Toddlers keep their heads up more when they are walking barefoot. The feedback they get from the ground means there is less need to look down, which is what puts them off balance and causes them to fall down. Walking barefoot develops the muscles and ligaments of the foot and increases the strength of the foot's arch therefore, improving awareness of where they are in relation to the space around them and contributes to good posture.

Does the shoe have a thin sole that is super flexible? Great. Not sure? Do the flex-test, bend the shoe, but as well try to twist it.

Size & length
Always have room for the toes to wiggle & move. Get the foot measured professionally, always check the shoes fit whilst the child is standing. There should be nearly an adult’s thumb width space between the end of the toes and the shoe. But be aware: children sometimes curl their toes which give the impression of space so hold their foot down with your hand and with the other hand do the thumb test.

Buying a size bigger than your child requires is not ideal, imagine yourself walking in shoes one size too big… Not easy! It incurs the danger to develop bad & unhealthy walking patterns.

Make sure that the toes are not squeezed and can expand in the width. The shape of a shoe should reflect the natural shape of a childs foot, so not be pointed and tapered but round and broad. Toes should be uncompressed and lie flat in a shoe, so little toes have room to spread.

Heel & Ankle Fit
Never restrict a developing foot. Shoes should sit below or above the ankle – and the heel should be nicely secured by the shoe.

Make sure any shoe you put on a growing child’s foot sits below or above the ankle bone, never on it or it restricts natural strengthening of the ankle. The fit around the heel is the only place that the foot should be secured but only enough to ensure the shoe does not come off. Make sure it doesn’t hold the foot so tight it can’t bend and flex.

The 4 Step Fit Test
1. Test the shoe with the flex test - twist in all directions

2. Never buy too small, the toes should have room, but a size bigger isn’t good either

3.Make sure the toes have space to expand.

4. Secure at the heel, and not directly ending at the ankle for not restricting movements.

Size matters - check it on a regular basis
Little feet grow really fast, up to two or three sizes per year until around four years old. Pop in store at Little GEMS or any good children' shoes store will measure your child feet - without obligation. Always put the shoe on your child with them standing to check you have correctly chosen the right size.

Choose footwear made from safe, soft material. Little feet need to move, they often end up in little ones' mouths so it's great to have confidence that they are safe for those sucking moments. If possible find brands that All use the highest quality leather that meet the strictest international standards, so you can be 100% sure your little one is safe if they put their feet in their mouth.